Nancy Church, Kiwanis Club of Plattsburgh, Chazy, NY
This is one of our favorite projects because it has become a happy tradition of bringing the dictionaries and personally presenting them to each third grader. The kids are so happy and so are their teachers and principals!
Laura Terhune, Rotary Club of Brownwood, Brownwood, TX
The Brownwood Rotary Club has been distributing student dictionaries for three years to every third grader in Brown County–more than 500 per year. Our Rotary Club members love this program almost as much as the students, teachers, and parents!
Jennifer Pontello, Corporate Volunteer Council, Syracuse, NY
The Corporate Volunteer Council of Central New York along with the United Way have participated in The Dictionary Project for the past 4 years! We are very excited to once again provide dictionaries to each 3rd grader in Syracuse City School District! We love it!
Robert Kal, Rotary Club of Hampton Roads, Norfolk, VA
The Rotary Club of Hampton Roads has been participating in The Dictionary Project for 3 years. You are doing a great job and performing a much-needed service.
David Mitchell, Rotary Club of Spruce Pine, Spruce Pine, NC
This will be our second year. This program allows us to get into the school and provides us the opportunity to display our interest in the child’s education. Our funding for this project is from Piedmont Natural Gas.
Stefanie Parker, Rotary Club of Rock Creek-Grand Valley, Rock Creek, OH
This is our second year participating in the program. We love this project because we can see the excitement on the kids’ faces.