Sara Pillet, Long Beach Public Library Foundation, Long Beach, CA
Our Dictionary Day program is in its 7th year and provides a dictionary and lesson plan to every third grade student in Long Beach. Students are also given a coupon that encourages them to visit the library and receive a special Dictionary Day library card holder lanyard. Our main event is a celebration of the students’ new dictionary skills and takes place at one... Read More
Daniella Schutzengel, Rotary Club of Vienna, Vienna, VA
We have been doing the Dictionary Project for 3 years now and any school that we’ve visited has asked us to come back each year.
John F Berger, Gilroy Elks Lodge # 1567, Gilroy, CA
This is our 4th year in this great project. There are no words to describe what an effect this program has on children. Keep up the great work.
Joey Krawitz, Rotary Club of West End, Saylorsburg, PA
This is our ninth year participating in the project and we love it! The students and teachers look forward to this every year and are so thankful to have these great dictionaries.
Joyce A Held, Pownal Historical Society, Pownal, VT
We’ve been giving the books to children of the Pownal Elementary School for the past four years. The Dictionary Project is a great way to get a dictionary in the hands of children. Thanks for your all your work.
Marge Hagy, Brewster Grange # 1018, Brewster, WA
Enjoy for more than 7 years.
Michael Torosian, Rotary Club of Stafford, Fredericksburg, VA
This is our 4th year participating in the program. This is a very worthwhile project and much appreciated by the school students.