Cheri Elser, Kiwanis Club of Merrillville, Merrillville, IN
This is the 4th year that the 2 Merrillville Kiwanis Clubs have distributed the books to 3rd Grade students in NW Indiana. The Schools, Students, Teachers all love the books and are so excited to have the student’s name typed on a label in the book, so they know that this is truly their own book and they can take it home with them.... Read More
Alex Harkins, Rotary Club of Western Fort Worth, Fort Worth, TX
This is our 3rd year. This is a fantastic project!
Susan LaFleur, Rochester Grange # 257, Rochester, MA
Donating for 8 years. We are a small organization with older members so this is not only a very worthwhile project but also something we can easily do. Just keep up the good work. Our students love getting the books and look forward to us coming to the school.