Jan Erickson, Rotary Club of Suntree, Melbourne, FL
The Rotary Club of Suntree has been participating in The Dictionary Project for several years. Although we are accustomed to participating in service projects, this is one of the most rewarding because of the excitement of the children in receiving their books. Many of the 54 clubs in our Rotary District (#6930) also participate, and between us we distribute books to all third graders... Read More
Mary and Bill Byrley, Columbus, OH
We are participating in a project our friend, Leah Melick, began in Boise, Idaho, to assist her nephew’s students. We think it’s great!
Jerry Zabriskie, Baw Faw Grange # 34, Curtis, WA
We have been at this five years. Our school is small so we use less than one box, however we carry the excess dictionaries over each year until we have enough to distribute one more year. Great project that gets our Grange involved with the local school.
Chris Petersen, Sebasticook Valley Elks Lodge # 2713, Pittsfield, ME
This is our 5th year giving dictionaries to all the 3rd graders in 7 schools. It has been a very worthwhile project.