Keith Schwebke, Kiwanis Club of Scenic City, Iowa Falls, IA
This is our third year of participation and the program has been very rewarding. Both teachers and students have shown great appreciation.
Patrick Barnett, Rotary Club of Indian Land, Indian Land, SC
We are a relatively new Rotary club – chartered in 2006 and have been providing the dictionaries every year since charter. We are happy to participate in the project and help with the level of literacy in our county. We love seeing the expressions on the children’s faces when we tell them the book is theirs to keep!
Doranna Manary, AT&T TelecomPioneers / Missouri Chapter # 11, Springfield, MO
We are very pleased to be able to help students in Missouri communities where we live and work!
Harvey Ross, Kiwanis Club of Oakland Park, Hollywood, FL
We believe in helping the children of the world especially in our local community and we have kept coming back every year. The kids really appreciate it and we see them at graduation and they mention how we gave them a dictionary in third grade.
Melinda Beekman, Elizabeth Ross Chapter DAR, Ottumwa, IA
The Elizabeth Ross Chapter NSDAR was blown away when our very own member, Nancy Harms, came and did her presentation about the Dictionary Project. We were treated as 3rd graders getting new dictionaries. We purchased 2 boxes of dictionaries for a school in Moravia at that meeting. We are now in the process of getting the word out so more NSDAR chapters in the... Read More