Richard Cook, Rotary Club of Twin Falls, Twin Falls, ID
Our Rotary Club has been participating with this project for the last 5 years and we’ve enjoyed the kids’ enthusiasm as they receive their own dictionary. I feel the dictionary project is great…you are targeting kids at the right age where their minds are so open to learning and challenges.
Sharon Yanz, Walworth-Lakeland Elks Lodge # 2201, Delavan, WI
This will be our second year. It is one of the most rewarding projects we have done as an Elks Lodge. The children are so excited to get a book they can call their own. Everyone is impressed with the contents and information in the book above the beyond the dictionary.
Jean McKinley, Pride of Vista Lions Club, Vista, CA
This is my 3rd year as chair – I think it is our 6th or 7th all told. We go room to room point out features of the book, have the students look up ‘volunteer’ and discuss that idea and the importance of education. We love it and they love us!
Dave and Ruth Mickelberry, Individual, Madison, VA
We have been sponsoring the Madison County school as an individual project for 5 years now. Started when my daughter was in 3rd grade, now she is in 8th grade. We have talked about Noah Webster the last 2 years and we may bring a birthday cake for Noah birthday this year!…maybe cupcakes since this year we have over 151 3rd graders this year... Read More