Carl Baruffaldi, Rotary Club of North Scranton, Scranton, PA
I believe we have been participating for the last 4 or 5 years, and we distribute the books to each student in all schools. We mention how Mary started this project and what a great project it is. The club thinks this is one of the best projects we do. It’s great to see the kids and see how some of them light up... Read More
Janice Whaley, American Legion Aux. No. 249, Maxwell, IA
The Maxwell American Legion Auxiliary Unit 249 has been participating in this project for the last few years. The students are so excited to receive their dictionaries every year and they use them at school in their class. The teachers really enjoy the time the students spends with their dictionaries. Our Auxiliary Unit loves it — what a great experience for students! We are... Read More
Ellen L Dabbs, Rotary Club of Rankin County, Brandon, MS
The Rotary Club of Jackson has been providing dictionaries for several years to one school in the Rankin County School District. This year the club decided to choose three schools from our school district to provide dictionaries to those third graders. Age-appropriate activities are chosen to help club members and students interact using the new dictionaries. Education of our young people is valued highly... Read More
Larry Schwindt, Lincoln Elks Lodge # 80, Lincoln, NE
The people who participate really enjoy this project and look forward to it every year.
Paula Stewart, Victory Grange # 1592, Jackson, OH
The Grange makes and sells apple butter at the apple festival to raise money for The Dictionary Project.
Barrett Glascock, Optimist Club of Ashland, Ashland, MO
I think this is our 5th year to donate a dictionary to every third grade student in our district. It is a wonderful program, and the teachers love it.
Janice Lester, Dalton Elks Lodge # 1267, Chatsworth, GA
This is the first time our lodge has participated in the Dictionary Project, and we are very excited.