Michael Howie, Kiwanis Club of Hastings, Hastings, NE
This is our second year of participating in the project. Last year students and teachers in the county were thrilled with the project, and the local newspaper did a nice cover article.
Simon Kampwerth, Rotary Club of Peru, Peru, IL
I thank you and look forward to growing this project year after year!!!
Anne Glasner, Appleton, WI
I think this is my third year, but my 10th year helping struggling readers in the third grade. It delights my heart to think about the homes into which our magnificent English language will go. Many ESLs…many simply without resources…some with only nascent desire!
Debi Briggs, Rumford Elks Lodge # 862, Rumford, ME
We have been participating with the Dictionary Project for many years. I feel it is a good project because a lot of the kids do not have a dictionary of their own.
Walter Boomsma, Valley Grange # 144, Abbot, ME
We’ve been doing the project for six or seven years. We’ve expanded into three districts and LOVE the program… it’s helped us form a connection with the schools and children! Enjoy working with you and appreciate your interest in us!
Jeanne NIckerson, Porter Grange # 569, Porter, ME
I think this is our 5th year, we love being able to do this project and appreciate the fact that you keep the price affordable for us to continue. This is one of the projects that has remained thru these economic tough times. I think the program is great – you make it very easy to order and affordable for all organiztions big and... Read More
Michael Webster, Kiwanis Club of Boyne City, Walloon Lake, MI
This will be our third year. The students have always been elated to get a dictionary of their own. Fabulous!