Joyce Hofmann, Lebanon Lions Club, Lebanon, CT
This is the 4th year that the Lebanon Lions Club has donated dictionaries to the 3rd grade students at Lebanon Elementary School. The students receive a dictionary with a their name printed on the inside cover, we discuss what it is to be a Lion and our activities within our community. We then have fun and challenge the students to “look-up” words.
Bruce Siska, Rotary Club of East Hampton, East Hampton, NY
This is the second year of our club’s involvement in the Dictionary Project. The administrators and teachers in the four schools are so appreciative of the gifts to their students. The Dictionary Project is fabulous. The ordering is easy, the customer service representatives are very pleasant and helpful. I am excited to be apart of the project here on the eastern end of Long... Read More
Charlene Shumaker, Kiwanis Club of Eaton Rapids, Bellevue, MI
We have been participating in the project for approximately 5 years. This is a terrific program with the best being delivering the dictionaries and seeing the smiles and excitement of the students as they receive their own personal dictionary. We receive letters back from each student sharing how they are using the dictionary and what their favorite parts are.
Regina Blankenship, Rotary Club of South Campbell County, Pioneer, TN
This year will be the fourth year that we participated in the event. The interaction with the students is great. This project allows members to interact with the students that would not have the opportunity to do so since we have a lot of older members. The dictionary project is the most enjoyable project we do.