Billie Somerville, Twisp Valley Grange # 482, Twisp, WA
We (Twisp Valley Grange) donate to all 3rd graders in upper Methow Valley. We started in 2002 I think. It’s an opportunity for us as an organization to touch the lives of our future generation. We think your project is GREAT!
Belvai V Kudva, Rotary Club of Williamson, Williamson, WV
We have been distributing dictionaries for many years. This is one of our most successful projects. Students look forward to our visit. Teachers love our project and we have received many thank you letters from schools.
Pamela Stewart, Rotary Club of Lincoln, Ruston, LA
This is our most enjoyable project, having the opportunity to deliver the books to our 3rd graders and watching the excitement at receiving, in many cases, the first book which was their very own. We ask questions and they race each other to find the answers in the dictionary. It is a great literacy project.
Katherine Pearson, Newburyport Elks Lodge # 909, Newbury, MA
The Newburyport Elks enjoy donating dictionaries. We love to see the smiles on the students’ faces.