Carlisle Lions Club makes generous donation

 The Carlisle Lions Club recently made a generous donation to Carlisle Elementary third grade students. The Lions purchased an individual dictionary for every third grade student in our district. These dictionaries will be used throughout the year for specific skills and projects and then sent home for the students to keep when the school year is over. This donation couldn`t have come at a better time as third grade teachers were covering dictionary skills and students were having to share and borrow dictionaries for individual use. Carlisle Elementary would like to give a big `Thank you` to the Lions Club for this kind donation.

–This note also appeared in the January 30 Carlisle Community Schools Commun-o-Gram:


The Carlisle Elementary would like to thank the Carlisle Lions Club for donating dictionaries to each third-grade student. The dictionaries will be used throughout the rest of the school year in classrooms and then will be sent home with the third graders at the end of the year.

The Carlisle Lions Club also received many thank-you notes from the pupils who were given dictionaries. Here are two of them:

Dear Lions Club,

Thank you for the dictionary. I really liked it. I need it for my homework. Dictionaries help me alot. I appreciate the dictionary.


Conner S.

Dear Lions Club,

Thank you for my dictionary. It really helps me with my homework. And now I know how to spell a ton of words.


Richie C.