Overton third grade given dictionaries
The Lexington `Plumcreekers` Kiwanis Club presented each of the Overton third-grade students with a new student dictionary.
The dictionary fairies
Members of the Kiwanis Club of Bellevue-Offutt are doing their part for the Dictionary Project, a nationwide program aimed at improving child literacy.
Finding the right word
Barbarakay Royuk has a favorite saying: `The dictionary is a student`s best friend.`
Ashland Rotary delivers dictionaries
`Just in time!` was the remark of one of the Ashland-Greenwood Elementary School 3rd grade teachers in Ashland, Nebraska, when the Ashland Rotary Club arrived with personal dictionaries for all of
Omaha students benefit from generous gifts from Loveland Golden K Kiwanis Club
Our Loveland Golden K Kiwanis Club has provided third grade student dictionaries to Franklin Elementary School for the second time this year.
Mid-Michigan Kiwanis Clubs celebrate Lansing’s 150th with dictionary parade float
The Kiwanis Clubs of Mid-Michigan participated in the Lansing 150 Parade, commemorating Lansing`s 150th Anniversary.
Garden City Kiwanis gives third-graders book full of words
`I hope this is very useful to you,` Ken Hines told students at Memorial Elementary School. `This isn`t a very old book, even though it has a lot of old words in it.`
Power of words
The third graders at Queen of the Miraculous Medal School flipped through the pages of new dictionaries Friday.
Grand Rapids Kiwanis Clubs team up to help students
Three Kiwanis Clubs of the Grand Rapids area make up the sponsoring team: Grand Rapids Golden K Kiwanis, Grand Rapids North Kiwanis, and Grand Valley State University Circle K Kiwanis.
Kiwanis donates 600 dictionaries to Brighton students
Third grade students in Brighton received personal dictionaries from the Kiwanis Club in Brighton this week.