Dictionaries bring smiles to students at New Underwood Elementary
The new Underwood American Legion Auxiliary and the New Underwood American Legion presented dictionaries to the third graders of New Underwood Elementary School this past week. Presenting the dictionaries were Alma Crosbie and Della Mader of the American Legion Auxiliary.
This is an action that the groups perform annually. According to a press release from the dictionary project, ‘The Dictionary Project was founded in 1995 by Mary French in Charleston, SC. The organization’s sole mission is to distribute dictionaries to as many third graders as possible each year. The goal of this program is to assist students with writing, reading, and creative thinking skills. These dictionaries will be used in school work as well as at home to help students with their homework.’
Students at New Underwood Elementary have benefited from the program for several years now. The dictionaries not only include definitions, but also helpful tips on abbreviations, map skills, the United States and also the United States Constitution.