Rising Sun Grange donates dictionaries
Personal dictionaries were presented by the Rising Sun Grange to each third grade student in the Waupun Area School District.
Grangers that helped to present these dictionaries included President Fred Krohn, David Goodlaxson, Dale Seager, Joann Goodlaxson, and Delores Miller.
Individual dictionaries were gifted to each third grade student at the Alto, Fox Lake, Jefferson and Washington elementary schools. Dictionaries will also be delivered to the third grade class at Central Wisconsin Christian Elementary School.
This distribution of more than 160 dictionaries is just one of many service projects conducted by this Waupun area Grange unit. The Grange is a rural community organization of long standing and emphasizes community, family, and agriculture. Many Grange units and other civic organizations in Wisconsin, as well as many other states, are working together to promote this non-profit dictionary project.