Virginia Bushmiller, Arlington House Chapter DAR, Arlington, VA
I have been on the committee for three years. I think this is a marvelous project. The children who receive these dictionaries are thrilled to receive them.
Dictionary distribution
Monterey Peninsula Sunrise Rotary and the Dictionary Project
Local Rotary Clubs distribute dictionaries
The Rotary Club of London North, with the help of seven other local Rotary Clubs, is presenting dictionaries to Grade 3 pupils in 55 public and 16 Catholic schools during February.
Education through reading
The Rotary Club of Doral distributed "Webster's Dictionary for Students (Encyclopedic Edition)". The donations were made to 3rd grade students at the following schools: John I.
Rotary Club of Windsor & Windsor Locks dictionary project
The Rotary Club of Windsor and Windsor Locks gives dictionaries to all third grade students in both towns as well as East Granby. Books were distributed this year on November 5th.
Happy Valentine’s Day, or What’s in a name?
Joe Mc Kay’s “Crazy About Words”
….toasting our language since 2003!
Local Rotary Clubs in Ontario Distribute Dictionaries
The Rotary Club of London North, with the help of seven other local Rotary Clubs, is presenting dictionaries to Grade 3 pupils in 55 public and 16 Catholic schools during February. More than 2,900 dictionaries will be distributed. The “Dictionary Project” is part of Rotary’s Worldwide Literacy Program, which aims to improve upon the literacy skills of children in Canada and throughout the world.... Read More