Harley, The Dictionary Project, Marcellus Elementary School, Marcellus, MI
Dear Dictionary Project, I want to thank you for my dictionary. I love the dictionary and I will use it for soooo many things! My two I mean three colors are pink, red, and purple. But my most favorite is red. I still love the dictionarys. I will be using my dictionary for all sorts of stuff. I will use it for vocab. I’ll... Read More
William, The Dictionary Project, Marcellus Elementary School, Marcellus, MI
Dear Dictionary Project I don’t know how I can thank you for the dictionary. I realy like it. Thank you so much. I hope thats enogh thanks. I hope you like what I use it for. I will use it for vocabe. I will also use it for just looking up words. This is my best one I will use it to write letters.... Read More
Adam, The Dictionary Project, Marcellus Elementary School, Marcellus, MI
Dear Dictionary Project thank you so much for my dictionary now I don’t have to look in the glosery and louse my page. Plus if im reading my A.R. and I dont understand word I’ll just look it up. I plan to use it to look up words I don’t understand and use it to play scrable Sincerely, Adam
Eden, The Dictionary Project, Marcellus Elementary School, Marcellus, MI
Dear Dictionary Project, I would like to thank you for my Dictonary. Like we can do Michigan history and look up words at the same time. It is just so cool that you gave us the books. I herd you are going to give the same thing to all the thrid graders in Michigan. Thank you for the books. I am going to use... Read More
Alonzo, The Dictionary Project, Palo Community School, Palo, MI
Thank you for the student’s dictionary. I like this book because it will help me invent new things. It can make me smarter. If it weren’t for you guys I would still be addicted to video games. I will still play video games but I will use my book. from Alonzo
Alejandro, The Dictionary Project, Palo Community School, Palo, MI
Thank you for the student’s dictionary. Thanks for the dictionary because now I can study and I am going to study everyday. Thank you again. Have a nice day. Alejandro