Meade, Gassetts Grange # 327, Chester, VT
Dear Grange Members, Thank you for the dictionary. I really like the dictionary. My brother even tried stealing my dictionary. After diner I run up stairs and I look at my dictionary. at recess and reading I try to figure out the longest word. for homework we read 20 minutes I read the dictionary. Sincerley, Meade
Gassetts Grange visits local schools
We at Gassetts Grange # 327 would like to share our experiences while delivering the dictionaries. We donated books to students at Chester-Andover Elementary School, Cavendish, Mt.
Partners in literacy
Since receiving the dictionaries October 27, as Literacy Chairman of the Overton Rotary Club, I have contacted the school, and we scheduled to present the dictionaries on Wednesday, November 3.
Nancy Buchanan, South Greenville Grange # 225, Neenah, WI
This is our 4th year. We really enjoy this project, because the smiles on the students’ faces and the gratitude they show for getting a dictionary is priceless! It is so worth doing! I wish all our members could come along when we present the dictionaries, so that they could all feel the excitement & warm fuzzies we feel when we present them.
Beth, The Dictionary Project, Hickory Tavern Elementary School, Gray Court, SC
Dear Dictionary Project, Thank you for the dictionary. I love it! It’s cool. I can use it wherever I want at home. If I can’t find a word in my other dictionary I can use my new one. It doesn’t slow me down like a computer. Now, I can use it for homework. I can use it at school and not dissrupt the class.... Read More
Verizon takes the Dictionary Project to prisoners
The Old Dominion Chapter of the Verizon Pioneers has donated over 500 copies of A Student’s Dictionary to the Quest Institute of Charlottesville, VA, for its Books Behind B