Jillian, Kiwanis Club of Oak Harbor, Oak Harbor, WA
Dear Kiwanis Members, Mrs. Aesoph, Mr. Justus and Mrs. Weiner, Thank you for the dictionary. this is my first one. I can’t wait to use the dictionary. Now I will be able to spell works correctly. thanks again!!!! from Jillian
Hannah, Kiwanis Club of Oak Harbor, Oak Harbor, WA
Dear Kiwanis Members, Mrs. Aesoph, Mr. Justus and Mrs. Wiener, Thank you for the dictionary I found a bunch of words I did not know. My sister reads her dictionary. That is why she knows every word there is! from Hannah
Oak Harbor Kiwanis Club shares students’ thank-you letters
Dear Kiwanis Members, Mrs. Aesoph, Mr. Justus and Mrs. Wiener,
Kayla, The Dictionary Project, Adler Elementary School, Southfield, MI
Dear Ms. Anderson, thank you for the dictionaries you sent to my school/classroom. I really appreciate it. I’m also looking forward to using my own dictionary. Also it is smarter than me. Well in spelling. but I will know good vocabulary now. So thank you so much the dictionary. Sincerely, Kayla
Hannah, The Dictionary Project, Adler Elementary School, Southfield, MI
Dear Ms. Anderson I really like the dictionary you gave us. Now I can look up more knowledge, history, wisdom, and power words and I know words like scorch, hypochondriac, authentic, and multitude. I like these words because they are big and long words. I really appreciate the dictionaries. Sincerely, Hannah
Danielle, The Dictionary Project, Adler Elementary School, Southfield, MI
Dear Ms. Anderson, I really do appreciate you giving the class our own dictionaries to help us expand our vocabulary, to use and know more words in the future. I will keep my dictionaries in a safe place, so that I can have one in handy. Thank you so much Ms. Anderson! Sincerely, Danielle
Madison, The Dictionary Project, Adler Elementary School, Southfield, MI
Dear Ms. Anderson, Thank you so much the dictionary. I think it’s pretty cool how your group thinks about kids using bigger and better words. It’s for a good cause so I am on board with encouraging students to read and learn new words. I wanted to know if kids can help out other than learning and using the dictonary! Yours truly, Madison
Janisse, The Dictionary Project, Adler Elementary School, Southfield, MI
Dear Ms. Anderson, I would like to say thank you for the dictionary. I really am going to have alot of words in my vocabulary. I really found the big words really enteresting. I ues the words more and more everyday. Thank you for doing this dictionary program for my class. Suncerly, Janisse
Calvin, The Dictionary Project, Adler Elementary School, Southfield, MI
Dear Ms. Anderson, Thank you for the dictionary you gave me. I’ve already learned new words like quaff and zinc. It will give me more words to use in Academic Games at the next super tournament. I appreciate it. Sincerely, Calvin
Angel, The Dictionary Project, Adler Elementary School, Southfield, MI
Dear Ms. Anderson, I just wanted to say thank you so much for the dictionaries. It helps me alot with my vocabulary, punctuation and my grammer. It helps me so much. Now I can study words I don’t know. And if I have a spelling bee to attend and these are the words I need to spell I will already have them in my... Read More