James, Springfield Elks Lodge # 51, Kenwood Elementary School, Springfield, OH
Dear Mr. Schilling and Elks Lodge, Thank you for the dictionary! I think you are very nice. I like the book because it has a lot of words I could not even write. Words like dice and Tennessee. I always wanted a dictionary and now I finally have one. Now, I can look up words wherever I go. It helps me pronounce words, too.... Read More
Springfield Elks Lodge begins dictionary project
We heard about the Dictionary Project while attending the Elks' National Convention. It took us a couple of years to get the ball rolling to be able to participate in the project.
Mckenzie, Springfield Elks Lodge # 51, Kenwood Elementary School, Springfield, OH
Dear Mr. Schilling and Elks Lodge, Thank you the dictionary. I wrote the date so when I look in my dictionary in twenty years from now I’ll know I got this dictionary on December 1, 2010. I like this dictionary because it has lots of words, sign language, and it has information about the presidents all the way up to Barack Obama. So, thank... Read More
Clark third graders receive dictionaries
Raymond Baker Post # 209 and Clark Cagley-Smith Post # 60 of the American Legion Auxiliary participate in the Dictionary Project which provides a Student Dictionary for the student's personal
Patricia Henninger, Prairie Grange # 1832, Garden Prairie, IL
We love this project and so do our students and teachers.
Lake Weir Kiwanis Club dictionary project
George and Aggie Albright, representing the Lake Weir Kiwanis Club, gave dictionaries to the third grade students at Stanton-Weirsdale Elementary School.
Another Elks youth project!
For the 8th year, Goodland Elks # 1528 has distributed dictionaries to each 3rd grader at Central Elementary School in Goodland and at Brewster Elementary School this year also.