Richard Phillips, Kiwanis Club of Kernersville, Kernersville, NC
We are ready to distribute 1,037 dictionaries to the 3rd graders in the Kernersville/Walkertown area for this year. In the past years we have given: 2008- 1,013; 2009- 990; and 2010- 901. Our Kiwanis members enjoy giving as much as the kids enjoy receiving.
Elizabeth A. Pfaff, South Fork Grange # 520, Parkersburg, WV
South Fork Grange has a service project called “Words for Thirds,” and this is our 8th year giving dictionaries to every third grader in Ritchie County, West Virginia. The children enjoy the dictionaries, and we enjoy giving them the books. We have some that tell us that they use them in Middle School and High School. That makes us feel good. Thank you for... Read More
Beverly Marvin, Fairport Grange # 467, Macedon, NY
We have been participating in this project for several years, and everyone enjoys going to the schools to hand out the dictionaries and meet the students. We think this is a great program and will continue it as long as we are able.
Janice Andersen, American Legion Aux. No. 260, Badger, SD
We have done this several years and enjoy seeing the children excited about receiving them. I think the dictionaries are very informative and thank you for making them available.