International dictionaries
Last year’s expanded Children of Africa dictionary project was successful on all accounts.
Elks give dictionaries to area third graders
Third-grade students from Casas Christian, Copper Creek, Mesa Verde, Immaculate Heart and Wilson elementary schools received free dictionaries from Catalina Mountain Elks Lodge No. 2815.
Elks care, Elks share
Ticonderoga Elks Lodge # 1494 has completed its dictionary project for students in eight local schools.
Bonnie Littrell, Rotary Club of Clemson-Calhoun, Clemson, SC
I have been involved in this project for five years, and it is always a special treat to see the children’s delight upon receiving their book. Teachers are most appreciative as well. This is a great way to participate in Rotary’s literacy endeavors and help our local schools at the same time. We feel it is our way to give back to our community.