Dictionary Project
Bruning-Davenport 3rd grade students were excited to receive their own personal dictionaries! The dictionary is for the children to keep and use throughout their school career.
Lords Valley Rotary gives out dictionaries
Five hundred sixty third-grade children at local schools were given dictionaries this month, thanks to the Lords Valley Rotary Club.
Hope, Carmel Lions Club, Woodbrook Elementary School, Carmel, IN
Dear Lions Club, Thank you for the dictionaries. We are so greatful. Wow it is so cool it has information like about the presidents, solar system, multiplication chart, biggest word and measurements. Now I don’t have to ask my mom or dad what does this word mean. I can just look it up in my dictionary. I can also look up the meanings of... Read More
Gabriela, Carmel Lions Club, Woodbrook Elementary School, Carmel, IN
Dear Lions, Thank you very much for the AWESOME new dictionary! It helps me with my homework. It also helped me with this letter. Thank you for showing us the longest word on the back of the book. Helping the community is a good thing to do. I might even do the same thing! It seems like a LOT of fun! Again thank you... Read More
Mollie, Carmel Lions Club, Woodbrook Elementary School, Carmel, IN
Dear Lions Club, Thank you for the new dictionary. My dictionary teaches me alot of new words. Now I know how to spell my name in sign language. I don’t need my baby dictionary any more. Now I have a bigger one. I am so going to use it alot. You guys are awesome! Your lion friend, Mollie
Dictionary Project report
On Thursday, October 13, 2011, in a rain storm and on Friday, October 14, 2011, seven members [Jeff Boller, Jim Colter, Alice Gossett, Jane Flower, Robert Craigmyle, Jim Thompson, and Carl Ne
Westbury-Carle Place Rotary provides dictionaries to third graders
The Westbury-Carle Place Rotary Club visited Rushmore Avenue School to welcome the third-grade students back to school by presenting them with dictionaries.