Randy Looper, Rotary Club of Craig, Craig, CO
The program is so easy. We certainly get back far more than what it costs to pay for the dictionaries. The benefits the dictionaries offer also far outweigh the cost. We always receive a positive response from the school teachers whose classes receive the dictionaries. Other leaders in the community are impressed with this promotion of literacy.
Club holds murder mystery for charity
City residents put their heads together Friday night to solve a murder mystery served up by the Rotary Club of New Brunswick.
Third graders receive dictionaries
The Rotary Club of Anamosa gave dictionaries to each third grader at Strawberry Hill Elementary School and at St. Patrick School in Anamosa, Iowa.
Dictionary donation
The Kiwanis Club of Kansas City, Kansas, West delivered 240 dictionaries to third graders at White Church, St. Patrick, Open Door Christian, and Piper elementary schools.
Rotary Club distributes dictionaries to third-grade students
A group of third graders received a special gift Thursday—the gift of words.
Patricia Schoonover, Rotary Club of Elkins, Montrose, WV
Last year we distributed Atlases for the first time. We had some very positive feedback from the students and teachers explaining how they were able to use the Atlases. This is a great project and affordable to all.