Michelle Kocan, Rotary Club of Midland Morning, Midland, MI
This is a yearly project of the Midland Morning and Noon Rotary Clubs! This project greatly emphasizes our focus on improving the welfare of our children in Midland.
East Lansing Kiwanis Club donates dictionaries and thesauri
For the past eight years, the Kiwanis Club of East Lansing, Michigan, has annually distributed over 330 dictionary/gazetteers at the following elementary schools: Donley, Marble, Pinecrest, Red Ced
Elks visit students
Sharing a wonderful experience with you....Yesterday we traveled to each of 6 schools in our jurisdiction to take pictures of the 3rd graders who received their "Personal Dictionary" and
San Juan Island Rotary Club dictionary project
On October 21st, the Rotary Club of San Juan Island, WA, presented all Friday Harbor Elementary 4th & 5th graders with thesauruses and dictionaries.
The Manson Grange presents the Dictionary Project
Created in 1995, this project has involved providing a dictionary to every third-grade student in the United States.