Debra Priske, Kiwanis Club of Eldora, Eldora, IA
We have been participating in this project for a number of years because we believe every child should be given a chance in life, and whatever the Kiwanis Club of Eldora can do to help give every child that chance we will do our best to accomplish that challenge. I think the dictionary project is a wonderful project that helps our organization reach the... Read More
Henry Larose, Rotary Club of North Jackson, Jackson, MS
Many of these children are from low income homes, and to know that they now have a book of their own, to carry home and treasure, causes their faces to light up like the sun thru the opaque windows of the classroom.
Fredric Smith, Rotary Club of Wynne, Wynne, AR
Each year the young people are excited to have this gift of a dictionary presented to them by adults who they see as leaders and positive role models in their community.
Lakewood Republican Women donate dictionaries to 4th graders at JBLM elementary schools
The Lakewood Republican Women presented personal copies of Webster’s Dictionary for Students, Special Encyclopedic Edition, to Joint Base Lewis/McChord 4th graders on Octo
Christy Bosch, Rotary Club of Logan, Logan, OH
The Logan Rotary club has provided dictionaries to all grade 3 students in the county over the past several years. We believe that grade 3 is a crucial year, as this is the first year students are required to take the Ohio Achievement Test. The dictionary provides a resource for the students as they learn and expand their vocabulary.
Marco Noontime Rotary gives dictionaries to Tommie Barfield students
Tommie Barfield Elementary third-grade students all had a new dictionaries on their desks on Friday, thanks to the Marco Island Noontime Rotary Club.