Watertown Elks Lodge delivers 10,000th dictionary
Starting from November 1, 2011, to November 5, 2011, the Watertown Elks Lodge #496 distributed 1,392 dictionaries to 3rd graders in area schools.
Grangeville dictionary distribution
Recently the Grangeville Elks completed their distribution of the third-grade dictionaries in our area.
Dictionaries promote literacy at Wightman Primary School
The Bath Rotary Club has joined with other Rotary Clubs in New York State and throughout the United States to improve literacy and the quality of life in local, national, and international communit
Third graders at Laguna Niguel schools will receive new dictionaries
The Laguna Niguel Rotary Club will hand out more than 700 dictionaries to students at seven area schools through Nov. 9.
Virgin Islands third graders given gift of word power
Bright and early Monday morning, 42 third graders at Claude O.
Inez Moore, American Legion Aux. No. 48, Rosholt, SD
We go into the classroom to do the distribution; the kids beam with gratitude.
Thomas Kramin, Willmar Elks Lodge # 952, Renville, MN
This is our 3rd year participating in the project. When giving these books out to the students, you would think that Christmas had come with the excitement in their eyes and the eagerness they show to use them. ‘Thank you!’ for what you do for our youth!