Lakewood Elks’ gift of dictionaries spells delight for third graders
Venita Collier’s past three Octobers have been busy and she aims to keep it that way.
Stacey Wright, Lakewood Elks Lodge # 1777, Devinny Elementary School, Lakewood, CO
Dear Venita and the Lakewood Elks Lodge, As one of the, no doubt, hundred or more parents of a Devinny Elementary 3rd grader, I wanted to take a moment and thank the Elks Lodge for the dictionaries that they gave to the kids. What a perfect gift for the leaders of tomorrow. I can’t think of a more powerful resource to hand today’s youth.... Read More
Third graders learn to use tried and true reference–the dictionary
The Sharpsburg-Aspinwall Rotary Club is showing third graders that the Internet isn't the only way to look up information.