Elks donate books to local schools
A team from the Wasco Elks Lodge, headed by the Exalted Ruler, Jim Swann, visited Palm Avenue School in Wasco on Thursday, October 20. They gave three classes a total of ninety dictionaries.
Dr. Will Morton, Lakewood Elks Lodge # 1777, Governor’s Ranch Elementary School, Littleton, CO
Dear Mrs. Collier, Mr. Bathrick, and the members of the Lakewood Elks # 1777, On behalf of the third grade students and their teachers here at Governor’s Ranch Elementary School, I want to thank you for your generous gift of dictionaries for each of our third grade students. We appreciate your participation in the Dictionary Project and are grateful to have our students be... Read More
Jordan, Lakewood Elks Lodge # 1777, Sobesky Academy, Lakewood, CO
Dear Members of Lakewood Elks # 1777, Thank you for the dictionary that you gave us. I like how all the president’s are in the dictionary and you can learn about all of them. I will use this in 6th Grade and 7th Grade too. Thank you Members of the Lakewood Elks. Thanks, Jordan
Olivia, Lakewood Elks Lodge # 1777, Lakewood, CO
Dear Ms. Collier, Thank you very much for coming to our school and donating the dictionary’s. I really enjoyed the dictionaries because I like looking up words and learning how to pronounce the tricky words. I thought you were just showing us dictionaries we could buy and I was surprised you left them with us. I can’t wait to use them in my writing.... Read More
Glassboro Rotary Club donates dictionaries to local elementary school students
On Tuesday, the Glassboro Rotary Sunrise Club distributed dictionaries to local schools during their third annual Dictionary Project.
Sharon Croucher, Clifton Springs Grange # 1042, Clifton Springs, NY
We have been doing this project for about 9 years. Our members enjoy interacting with the children and the school and teachers appreciate the gift. The smiles of the children say it all.