Emily, The Dictionary Project, Drayton Hall Elementary School, Charleston, SC
Dear Mrs. Massey, Thank you for the dictionary! We all love the dictionary. We had a project to do and we used the dictionary you gave us. It was awesome. It was an honor that we got a free dictionary. Your friend Emily
Adrian, The Dictionary Project, Drayton Hall Elementary School, Charleston, SC
Dear Mrs. Massey, thank you for the dictionary I found lots of words. You gave me a dictionary and it helps me know more words that I didn’t know. You made me very happy. Your friend, Adrian
Rotary Club of Lucaya gives through the Dictionary Project
The idea for The Dictionary Project began in 1992 when Annie Plummer of Savannah, Georgia, gave 50 dictionaries to children who attended a school close to her home. Each year she continued to give this gift, raising money to help give more and more books so that in her lifetime she raised enough money to buy 17,000 dictionaries for children in Savannah. The program... Read More