Shaleena, The Dictionary Project, Spartanburg, SC
Thank you for giving us the dictionary. The dictionary that you gave us helps us look up words that we can’t spell or don’t know what it means. It help us find words good for children for homework, classwork, spelling words, language, and writing letters. Thank you for the dictionary. your friend, Shaleena
Aysia, The Dictionary Project, Spartanburg, SC
Dear Friend, Thank you for the dictionary you gave us look up words we don’t know how to spell. It will help us spell them correctly so we can not get a bad grade on classwork, homework, or writing your friend, Aysia
Briansha, The Dictionary Project, Spartanburg, SC
Dear Friend Thank you for the dictionary. It can help us find words good for children. I like the dictionary because I can look up words for my homework and class work. Also if I don’t know how to spell a word I look for it. your friend, Briansha
Kaitlyn, The Dictionary Project, Spartanburg, SC
Dear Friend, Thank you so much for giving us dictionaries! I will use it for writing things. I can use it for class work and homework. Sometimes I don’t understand words and I can get my dictionary out and use it. Your friend, Kaitlyn
Cindy Hayes, Verizon Pioneers / Verizon West Chapter, Will Rogers Elementary, Ventura, CA
All of the students have received their dictionaries. I don’t think any could possibly be enjoying them more than my own kids, who have developed a game where they read a definition to each other and the others must then guess the word. Their friends are also playing the game! Many…MANY…students have excitedly told me about their explorations within the pages and how “awesome”... Read More
A tribute to Loyal Knight Cal Bates
A tribute to the vision of Past Loyal Knight Cal Bates
Abinoojiiyag 3rd graders, The Dictionary Project, Nay-Ah-Shing School, Onamia, MN
Dear Mary French, Thank you for the dictionaries you sent our 3rd grade students. It was nice of you to think of us. We will use them to look up words and help us with our homework. Thanks again, Abinoojiiyag 3rd graders, Lehtitia Weiss, teacher