Michael Ohren, Omaha Elks Lodge # 39, Omaha, NE
The Omaha Elks Lodge have been participating in the dictionary program for about 5 years. The dictionaries we provide to third-grade students for some of them this is the first book they have ever owned. It is so rewarding to see the children’s faces when we come visit their classes.
Melba Elementary students enjoy visit from Grange
Walter's Butte Grange and Melba Rebekah Lodge have provided dictionaries for the third graders at Melba Elementary School for the fifth year in a row.
Kassy, The Dictionary Project, Carlisle-Foster’s Grove Elementary School, Chesnee, SC
Dear Dictionary Project, I just want to thank you for the dictionarys. Because my gradse were getting low and I hope this dictionary help’s. I plan on to use it until the year is over. because it looks like I will need this dictionary more than you think. It is all because of you. Sincerely, Kassy
Logan, The Dictionary Project, Carlisle-Foster’s Grove Elementary School, Chesnee, SC
Dear Dictionary Program, Thank you so much for the wonderful dictionary. It will help me learn new words, spell correctly, and find the right word when I am writing I know it will help me make better grades. Thank you for helping me learn I know I will enjoy useing it to do my homework. P.S. I don’t have any dictionaryies at home your... Read More
Makenzie, The Dictionary Project, Carlisle-Foster’s Grove Elementary School, Chesnee, SC
Dear Dictionary Program thank you so much for the wonderful dictionary It will help me lurn new words, spell correctly, and find the right word when I am writing I know it will help me make better grades. Makenzie
Katlyn, The Dictionary Project, Carlisle-Foster’s Grove Elementary School, Chesnee, SC
Dear Dictionary Project, Thank you for the dictionary. I really appreciate the dictionary, because I get to learn how to spell words that I don’t understand. This dictionary is the best dictionary Ive ever seen. Sincerly, Katlyn
Taylor, The Dictionary Project, Carlisle-Foster’s Grove Elementary School, Chesnee, SC
Dear Dictionary Project Member, I love my new dictionary it is so cool I can use it for a lot of things. Like for writing and home work and now I have my own dictionary so thank you I know a lot of new words. Love, Taylor
Jared, The Dictionary Project, Carlisle-Foster’s Grove Elementary School, Chesnee, SC
Dear Dictionary Project Member, I would like to thank you for the dictionaries. Now it’s easy to find definitions. My writing is a lot better now. Once again thank you very much for the dictionaries. Your friend, Jared