Donald Walter, Rotary Club of Greater Severna Park, Severna Park, MD
This is our 7th year of contributing dictionaries to 3 graders in 9 public and 5 private schools in central Anne Arundel County, Maryland. Each year, the students and their teachers are more appreciative of the donation. My favorite event is the child who sent me a letter of thanks that ended P.S. I used the dictionary to spell Sincerely.
Dwaine Penner, Rotary Club of East Oklahoma County, Harrah, OK
This is one of the literacy efforts we make to encourage the students to be all they can be. Our literacy program starts with a pre-k book a month for each student and a Rotary member reads to those classes on presentation day: we present scholarships for graduating seniors in each of the four school systems we serve. Thanks for your part in making... Read More
Katherine Kremins, Rotary Club of Randolph, Randolph, NJ
The Rotary Clubs of District 7470 have been participating in the dictionary poject for many years. I have been a proud Rotarian for 18 years. I have a son and the project has touched him also.. You have made the project very user friendly..
Chloe, The Dictionary Project, Socrates Academy, Matthews, NC
Dear Dictionary Project, Thank you so much for the wonderful dictionaries you gave the third grade classes here at Socrates! Now that we have them, we can understand things so much better! I have been a student at Socrates Academy for four years: Kindergarten, first, second, and third grades. Third grade is much harder and has many different words that I might not understand.... Read More
Thank you, Dictionary Project!
Dear Dictionary Project,
Thank you so much for the awesome dictionarys that you gave to our school's 3rd grade!!
Katie, The Dictionary Project, Ben Milam Elementary School, Harlingen, TX
Dear Mrs. Anderson, Thank you Mrs. Anderson for the dictionaries that you gave us. Also I’ve learned lots of things in the dictionary. Here is one thing I learned from the dictionary. I’ve learned that adept means to be an expert and highly skilled. But this is something else the worlds longest word. I realy enjoy reading the dictionary. I think it makes me... Read More
Eric, The Dictionary Project, Ben Milam Elementary School, Harlingen, TX
Dear Ms. Anderson, Thank you for the dictionies. They are very nice I lerned the Periodic Table of Elements. It is very instresting. Now I know what h2o means. It means water. Na is sodium, Ne is neon., O is Oxgen. When I get to sevinth grade nobody is going to know them and I am going to know all of them. Love, Eric
Thank you, Dictionary Project!
Dear Ms. Anderson,
We are extremely grateful for the very generous donation you provided our children.
Mrs. Quevedo, The Dictionary Project, Ben Milam Elementary School, Harlingen, TX
Dear Ms. Anderson, We are extremely grateful for the very generous donation you provided our children. I cannot express how powerful their reaction was as they received the dictionaries. They were deeply engaged with all the wonderful information included in the dictionaries! It was amazing to see the students exploring the pages and to see their faces light up with excitement at the sight... Read More
Kirk Bednar, Rotary Club of Brentwood Morning, Brentwood, TN
Our Club has been reading to the 2nd graders at J.E. Moss Elementary for several years. We added the dictionary project for 3rd graders a couple years ago. This school is heavily immigrant-based and more than a dozen languages are spoken by the students. In many cases, the students are the only ones who speak English in their family. Having these dictionaries really affects... Read More