SM, Valley Grange # 144, Piscataquis Community Elementary School, Guilford, ME
We want to thank you for the dictionaries. I like the dictionaries because they are cool and they are big and fat and also have so many words. It’s hard for me to find words in it. Another part that was fun was on the ride home because we all looked in our cool dictionaries. It was like a dream. I use my dictionary... Read More
RG, Valley Grange # 144, Piscataquis Community Elementary School, Guilford, ME
Thank you for teaching us about the dictionaries. I really like the part in our dictionaries about sign language. I learned up to the letter E. It is very good for free time. I can also use my dictionary for words that my brother made up to look smart. I can now identify if it is true or not.
Upstate students make special delivery
There were a lot of happy third-graders in Syracuse, NY, last week.
Dictionary project
Daniel Island School third grade students happily receive their new dictionaries from the Rotary Club of Daniel Island.
Plenty of reasons to give thanks
A cornucopia is a horn containing an overflowing supply of food. It is a symbol of abundance and is sometimes called a "horn of plenty."
Oswego third graders benefit from Elks Lodge dictionary project
It has become a tradition in Oswego schools.
Once again the Oswego Elks Lodge # 271 representatives toured Oswego elementary schools and continued support of area youth.