Brian Pendleton, Columbine Unitarian Universalist Church Tutoring Program, Littleton, CO
Our Tutoring Program is in its eighth year. Particularly in one of our schools, our dictionary will be the students’ first personal book. Our Tutoring Program exists because we strongly believe that early education is an important factor to successful learning.
Rotary Club makes donation to Fuquay-Varina Elementary
The Fuquay-Varina Rotary Club recently donated dictionaries to third graders at Fuquay Elementary as part of the Dictionary Project.
Kailua Lodge distributes dictionaries to Windward 3rd graders!
A hearty MAHALO to Kailua Elk members Lani Medeiros and Sharon Chee for taking the time to visit four Windward elementary schools, giving away free personal dictionaries to appreciative third grade
Liberty Rotary dictionary project
The Liberty Rotary handed out dictionaries to the 3rd graders at Liberty Elementary School Thurs., Dec. 13. This is the tenth year for this Rotary Project.
Elks dictionary distribution
The Deming Elks Lodge No. 2750 distributed over 600 dictionaries to third graders in both the Deming and Truth or Consequences Schools.