Katelynn, South Carolina Dictionary Project, Wood Heights Elementary, Spartanburg, SC
Dear Dictionary Project Sponsors, Thank you for sponsoring the Dictionary Project because it’s very helpful. The way I used it was for the PASS writing test. It was great to find out different ways to explain words a different way. it was nice of you just to donate money to buy dictionaries. Dictionary help people if they need to spell a word correctly, find... Read More
Katie, South Carolina Dictionary Project, Wood Heights Elementary, Spartanburg, SC
Dear Dictionary Project Sponsor, Thank you for donating money to help all 3rd students in S.C. get a dictionary. It helped during the PASS writing test. It as my first dictionary ever that was my own. It can help not repeat words. Finally it can help people find out if words are spelled correctly. Sincerely, Katie
Priscilla, South Carolina Dictionary Project, Wood Heights Elementary, Spartanburg, SC
Dear Dictionary Project Sponsor, Thank you so much for donating money. You have made a big difference through out the state. With out the dictionary, I would think that I would fail my PASS test, but now I feel confident. The dictionary increases my vocabulary which makes me a better reader. I’m really happy about what you did. Some kids don’t have dictionaries, but... Read More
Breanna, South Carolina Dictionary Project, Wood Heights Elementary, Spartanburg, SC
Dear friends of our school, Thank you for the dictionary. It will be very helpful to use. I will take it everywhere to spell my words correctly every day. I can bring it to high school and all over the world. Sincerely, Breanna
Sam, South Carolina Dictionary Project, Wood Heights Elementary, Spartanburg, SC
Dear friends of our school, we really appreciate the dictionaries. My sister has one from the 1997 with old words. The new one you gave to me has new words. Thank you. Now I don’t have to ask my mom to go into her i-pad to see what the word means. Now I have a dictionary. You are friends to 3rd graders all around... Read More
Darius, South Carolina Dictionary Project, Wood Heights Elementary, Spartanburg, SC
Dear friends of our school I thank you. These are the best dictionaries. I like them like I like my favorite video game. This dictionary will help me look for words I have never seen before. This will help me with some history, science, how to spell, and everything, you are good people to me. You’re like friends. Sincerely Darius
Jinya, South Carolina Dictionary Project, Wood Heights Elementary, Spartanburg, SC
Dear friends of our school, Thank you for these dictionaries and providing these books for us so we can know how to spell correctly. I’m just so glad that I can come to school with my dictionary and know I can spell my words right. I’m so grateful to know that when I need to know a word I can look in a dictionary.... Read More