Dawn Mathias, Rotary Club of Valley City, Valley City, ND
We have been participating since 2008. It gets more exciting each year. The kids have come to anticipate our visit. We are getting to see siblings of past students and hear from their brother/sister that they still have and use the dictionary they were given. This is such an easy project to get behind and it is very rewarding!.
Clara herman, Kiwanis Club of Melvindale, Melvindale, MI
This is our sixth year for the Dictionary project. The children are always very excited to get the books, and really enjoy the extensive reference information. The teachers look for ways to include the dictionary information in the lesson plans..
Hendersonville Rotary Club distributes dictionaries to third-graders
You could hear the excitement grow in Jim Finch’s voice as he picked up a copy of the dictionaries the Hendersonville Rotary Club were unpacking from boxes Tuesday night at Blue Ridge Community College. He flipped open the cover and the inscription inside read, “This dictionary and all the words inside it belong to (blank).” The last line was left empty for whoever possessed... Read More