Deborah Chevrier, St. Albans Elks Lodge # 1566, Saint Albans, VT
The Project is wonderful. Our lodge has been participating for the last 6-7 years. The children love receiving a dictionary for their use. They are very thankful and show their appreciation by thank you cards to the lodge, which we display to our members. They describe how the dictionary is useful to them. The children are very appreciative of this gift. It is very... Read More
Karen Mier, Kiwanis Club of Bellevue-Offutt, Bellevue, NE
We are in our seventh year with this project. Students look forward to receiving their dictionary because they know their older siblings have theirs and got it in the 3rd grade.. This is the best project we take on for community service. Students love the books, as do the teachers. All are grateful and we are known for the dictionaries we distribute..