Jean Kloehn, Optimist Club of Hilbert-Potter, Forest Junction, WI
Children’s literacy is imperative to the successes of their lifetime..
Sally Beale, Rotary Club of Blackstone, Blackstone, VA
We have been donating dictionaries for 7 or 8 years now here in Nottoway County. Children and teachers seem to look forward to our coming with the books. Sometimes children will tell us that their brother or sister received a dictionary from us last year or even several years ago. We’ve been stopped on the street by kids who remember us coming to give... Read More
Dictionaries donated to Springfield students
SPRINGFIELD, Mass. (WWLP) - Hundreds of third-grade students in Springfield have been given brand new dictionaries from a local publisher.
Shari Rossow, American Legion Aux. No. 170, Herreid, SD
This is the 15th year we have participated in this project. We think it is a great program and encourage other organizations to invest in our youth by supporting the project.