Doug Schmeltz, Cedar Lake Lions Club, Cedar Lake, IN
Our third year in providing dictionaries to the third graders in our town. You would think it was Christmas morning when we tell them the book is theirs to keep. This is a great project, with immediate, and long term rewards for all.
Kathy Baron, Sedalia Elks Lodge # 125, Sedalia, MO
We have been participating in this project for at least the last 6+ years. We look forward to the thank you letters that the 3rd grade students send us! You can tell that they are excited to get them and are very appreciative of them. We are very proud to participate in this educational project as well as other children’s projects in our community!!.... Read More
Patricia A Neumann, Bethel Grange # 404, Olalla, WA
Handing the dictionary to each student is such a joy. This is the 13th year the Olalla and Bethel Granges have participated in the program. It is also so much fun to read the thank you notes we get later.
Building better readers; Rotarian service project puts dictionaries in students’ hands
Third-grader Kendyl couldn't take her eyes off her new dictionary after a group of visiting local Rotarians gifted her with the book Friday.