Ned Stocker, Rotary Club of San Antonio Airport, San Antonio, TX
We love kids with an attitude to learn. Ridgeview Elementary is 730 kids, full of energy and ideas.. Mix that with great teachers and Airport Rotary Club and magic happens every year. It is an honor to help young people reach for their potential in school. Literacy gives each student that special edge to win in this race call life…
Trina Hoggard, Rotary Club of Seaside, Seaside, OR
The Rotary Club of Seaside has been presenting dictionaries to fourth graders for many years. In fact, we have a Rotarian, 25 years old, who still has her dictionary that was presented to her by our rotary club when she was in the fourth grade.
Deborah Meacham, Santa Cruz Elks Lodge # 824, Santa Cruz, CA
This is my second year heading the project but the lodge has been doing it for many years.. I love it! It is now a tradition in our school districts and a highlight of third grade.
Steven Chamberlin, Rotary Club of Hopkinton, Bow, NH
This is the second year. We love this project.
Mary Johnston, Rotary Club of State College, State College, PA
This is our Rotary clubs’ ninth year delivering the dictionaries and each year it is so appreciated. It is a great project needed sorely by some schools especially the Penns Valley SD.