Jillian, Penncrest School District, Hayfield Grange #800, Saegertown, PA
Dear Grange Members, Thank you for the dictionary. I like the sign language at the back of the book. I think it’s so cool that the longest word in the world has 1,909 letters in it. Yours truly, Jillian J
Laura, Penncrest School Distict, Hayfield Grange #800, Saegertown, PA
Thank you for you dictionary! I love it! it is so cool. Thank you so much. you are the best. Sincerely, Laura
Anna, Penncrest School Distict, Hayfield Grange #800, Saegertown, PA
Thank you for my dictionary! Anna
Adam, Penncrest School Distict, Hayfield Grange #800, Saegertown, PA
Dear Hayfield Grange, Thank you for the dictionary. I’m able to find some good words. Now I am able to find the longest word in the dictionary. These dictionariys are so usefull. Some words are fanticks. Last it can help use use the maps to find out where cambridge is. I can spell the longest word in the dictionary. Can you come back soon?... Read More
Ava, Penncrest School District, Hayfield Grange #800, Saegertown, PA
Dear Hayfield Grange, I am so delighted that your gave my class dictionarys. I use it for cursive, writing big words and maps. I use my dictionary a lot! I am wondering if you know what this word means summons. Sincerely, Ava