Stelvideo Grange Members Donate Their 1000th Dictionary!
The Stelvideo Grange in Ohio donated their 1000th dictionary this year. Participating in The Dictionary Project since 2004, Grange members have recognized the importance of a paperback dictionary. Each year, members talk to the students about their organization and distribute the dictionaries to the third grade classes at Arcanum Elementary School. “There was quite a bit of interaction with the students and they were all very excited to be given their very own dictionary!” said Grange member Lynne Hinshaw. The Grange received “lots of genuine thank-you’s” which you can read below:
Once again we are deeply appreciative of the generosity of both the Stelvideo Grange and the Stelvideo Junior Grange. The dictionaries you supply us with are such important tools for our students. They love using them and reading all the different facts they give us. We teachers look forward to your gift each year. Thank you!
Carol Bryson, third grade teacher
Dear Grange,
Thank you for the dictionary. I like how you put calendars in the dictionary. I also like the guide words. The dictionary is so cool. Thank you for the dictionary.
Arianne, third grade student
Thank you for the dictionary. I use it a lot. It is very useful. It helps me in my spelling, math, and language arts.
Karis, third grade student