A Decade of Participation: The Legion Family
For nearly a century, The American Legion and its auxiliary groups have been serving, helping, and meeting the needs of our nation’s veterans, military men and women, and their families. Originating from a group of veterans of World War I, the American Legion organized in early 1919 to focus on service to veterans, military men and women, and local communities. After receiving their charter... Read More
Ted Utchen Presents Dictionaries and Gives Advice on Common Spelling Mistakes and Typos
Ted Utchen, from Wheaton, IL, has participated in The Dictionary Project for over ten years. His appreciation for the English language and his dedication to teaching children the importance of a dictionary has made him one of our most tenacious sponsors. In each presentation Utchen takes the time to show students how vital it is to use correct spelling, grammar and punctuation. To highlight... Read More
How Many Dictionaries Can You Fit in Your Garage?
We know the amount of dedication, hard work and coordination that goes into completing a dictionary project. Thank you for giving your time and your organization’s commitment to literacy. Because of your support – your packed garages, loaded up car trunks, and dining rooms full of books and labels – students are able to receive the gift of a personal dictionary. Here are just... Read More
The Oldest Organization in WI, the Rising Sun Grange #718, Distributes Dictionaries
An annual community service project of the Rising Sun Grange #718 is to give a personal dictionary to every third grader in the Waupun Area School District. In April, five classes at Rock River Intermediate School were presented with a dictionary by Joann Goodlaxson, the Public Relations Director for the Grange. Mrs. Goodlaxson was a school teacher for 40 years before retiring. The Grange,... Read More
Thank-You Letters From Students Keep Our Momentum Going!
Dear Ms. French, Thank you for the dictionaries. First reason is it helps me become a better writer and I like to write so two thumbs up! Second is it helps me become a better reader and I’m going to have a Junior High reading level so two high fives to that! Third part is I can learn new parts of speech! Fourth thing... Read More