Fundraising Ideas: Host a Golf Tournament

The Beacon Elks Lodge #1493 has been a pillar in the community for 90 years. Their goals are to include the principles of CHERITY, JUSTICE, BROTHERLY LOVE and FIDELITY. The Benevolent Order participates in a wide variety of charitable events, including visits to Veterans Hospitals, providing seniors with hot lunches and donating gifts and clothing to special needs children. Education is also a major focus of the Beacon Elks Lodge. Members raise funds to provide high school seniors with scholarships for college and donate dictionaries to local schools. Since starting their dictionary project in 2005, the Beacon Elks have donated over 3,800 dictionaries and thesauri to children in New York. “One of the ways we are able to provide this support to our community is by hosting fund raising events,” said Carl Oken, Past Exalted Ruler and State Vice President. This year the Beacon Elks are hosting a golf tournament to be held at the Dutchess Country Club on Monday, June 29, 2015. “We are asking for a donation of $100 to sponsor a golf hole or tee area in our golf tournament,” said Oken. Elk members and participants in the tournament will be supplied the list of donors and will be encouraged to return the support the donors have graciously shown. Fundraising can seem like a challenging hurdle for any organization, but as the Beacon Elks have shown, putting on an event that members enjoy is any easy (and fun) way to get the momentum going. If you would like to participate in the golf tournament or simply want to contribute to the fundraising event, please contact Carl Oken at