Word of the Day: Bail and Bale
bail / bāl noun- a bond or pledge backed with money or property
- the system which permits a temporary release from prison as the result of a security bond having been paid
- the one who provides the security bond
- a container used to scoop water from a boat
- the arch shaped handle of a container
- a U-shaped shaped support
- on a typewriter, the hinged bar that holds the paper against the roller
- on a fishing reel, the arch shaped part that guides the line on the spool
- a loop on a pendant enabling the pendant to be hung on a necklace
- in cricket, a horizontal cross-piece that forms the top of the wicket
- to release or to enable a person to be released from custody through the posting of a security bond
- to help out of a difficult situation
- to eject; to parachute from a plane
- to abandon a difficult situation or project
- to ladle or empty (water) from
bale / bāl noun- a large amount of material bundled tightly together
- a group of turtles
- great evil, harm
- mental agony, woe
- to wrap into a bundle