Word of the Day: Plant
plant / plănt
1. to put a seed in the ground for growth
He who plants a garden plants happiness.
German Proverb
2. to sow with seeds or trees, shrubs, etc.
If you want to be happy for a year, plant a garden; if you want to be happy for life, plant a tree.
English Proverb
3. to place deeply in the ground or some other surface
The American flag has not been planted on foreign soil to acquire more territory but for humanity’s sake.
William McKinley, 1843 – 1901
4. to establish firmly in the mind
“If’ and “when” were planted, and “nothing” grew.
Turkish Proverb
5. to place firmly, in a particular position
The tired ox plants his foot firmly.
Spanish Proverb
6. to strike with a punch or hit
Charlie rushed him and planted his fist into Henley’s jaw, causing him to fall back, releasing Jonah.
From “Bayler Daniels: Trouble in the Glades” by S. A. Lawrence, ? –
7. to place or to be placed or located
Grow where you are planted.
English Proverb
8. to colonize
Regimes planted by bayonets do not take root.
Ronald Reagan, 1911 – 2004
9. to place secretly, in order to get a specific result
Two people who spent years in a Kentucky jail after being wrongfully charged with murder have sued 10 police officers from three departments, alleging a conspiracy to frame them by planting evidence to protect a confidential informant.
Adam Beam, “Lawsuit: Kentucky police planted evidence in murder case”, ‘The Seattle Times’, April 5, 2017
10. to put a person in a group as a spy or informant
Australia’s spy agency ASIO has confirmed that it is looking into claims that the Chinese Government was trying to plant a spy inside the Australian Parliament.
“China’s attempt to plant a spy inside Australia’s Parliament”, ‘The World Today’, Stephanie Borys, November 25, 2019, 12:29pm
11. to supply a body of water with fish or other aquatic offspring for cultivation
Once grown, the adult oysters are returned to the Chesapeake Bay Foundation for planting on sanctuary reefs.
“Frequently Asked Questions About Oyster Gardening”, Chesapeake Bay Foundation, https://www.cbf.org/how-we-save-the-bay/programs-initiatives/frequently-asked-questions-about-oyster-gardening.html
12. to hide, to place so as not to be discovered
We can plant bugs in machines.
Edward Snowden, 1983 –
1. any member of kingdom Plantae which produces food through photosynthesis
Spring is sooner recognized by plants than by men.
Chinese Proverb
2. a small vegetable growth, like an herb
Everything – even mountains, rivers, plants and trees – should be your teacher.
Morihei Ueshiba, 1883 – 1969
3. machinery, tools, etc. necessary for industrial production
We need to aim high – in the area of 20-25 percent – to create the urgent demand for new technologies, manufacturing plants and green jobs.
Van Jones, 1968 –
4. a factory, building(s) where goods are manufactured
My first job was with an auto plant, Kansas City – they treated you like slaves.
Ed Asner, 1929 –
5. in theater, an actor placed in the audience
Audience plants are the scourge of the American theater.
John Moore, ? – , http://www.culturewest.org/audience-plants-the-scourge-of-the-american-theater/
6. a person place in a group who acts as a spy
Donald was placed as a plant by a powerful secret society run by Dieter Schmidt to keep close to Sara.
From “Crossover: Movies in Your Mind” by Patrick R. Stephens, ? –