Word of the Day: Liable
li-a-ble / lī-ə-bəl
1. accountable, legally responsible
He is liable for direct damage both to your chimneys and any collateral damage caused by fall of bricks into garden, etc.
From “Actions and Reactions” by Rudyard Kipling, 1865 – 1936
2. likely, apt – generally used to indicate an adverse outcome
All men are liable to error; and most men are, in many points, under temptation to it.
John Locke, 1632-1704
3. having a tendency; susceptible, inclined
The essence of Government is power; and power, lodged as it must be in human hands, will ever be liable to abuse.
James Madison, 1751 – 1836
Ultimately from the Latin verb ligo, ligare, ligavi, ligatum (bind) through the Old French verb lier of the same meaning plus the English adjectival suffix -able (capable of, fit for, worthy of) from the Latin adjectival suffix -abilis, -abile of the same meaning and derived from the Latin adjective habilis, habile (handy, capable, inclined to, worthy of).
Thank you to Allen Ward for providing us with the etymology of liable.