Kingsville Noon Lions Dictionary Project

 Kingsville Noon Lions Club presented dictionaries to each third grade student in the five Independent School Districts and three parochial schools in Kleberg and Kenedy Counties. Dictionaries were selected and purchased through At the web site you can locate all of the schools that have been provided or need dictionaries. The site lists a dismal 7.04607% of the state being covered by the project so far this school year.

Texas reports that more than 50% of the students who finish grade seven drop out before finishing high school. This project focuses on third graders because that is when they get involved in reading and writing. Most of our students immediately started turning pages to see the contents and were really excited to see the planets, states, and countries in ‘their’ book. If your club is small and can not afford to undertake such a project, perhaps you can join with another service club, company, or other group for joint funding.