West Minot Grange in sixth year of Dictionary Project
West Minot Grange # 42 voted to purchase Student Dictionaries for the Minot Consolidated School. This is our sixth consecutive year. We, Hester and David Gilpatric, were privileged to deliver these to each student and their teacher Mrs. Shea on the 17th of November 2008.
The Dictionary Project is available worldwide. Its goal here in the U.S. is to provide a low cost dictionary for every 3rd grader. This dictionary, in case lots, costs about $1.70 each, including shipping.
Students are encouraged to become familiar with its entire contents: presidential biographies, the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution, our flag history, maps of the seven continents, facts about countries, and facts about the planets.
We had a special time with Mrs. Shea and her 3rd graders!
Thank you,
David Gilpatric
Minot, Maine