Shepherdstown, Charles Town Rotary Clubs Distribute Dictionaries, Thesauruses to Schools
As they have done for many years, the Shepherdstown and Charles Town Rotary Clubs…teamed up to provide free dictionaries and thesauruses to students [attending] Jefferson County schools.
The two clubs pay for the books, and club members volunteer their time to distribute them.
They give dictionaries to all the third-graders in the schools and thesauruses to all the fifth-graders.
The Shepherdstown Club handles distributions to the schools in the northeastern half of the county: C.W. Shipley, North Jefferson, Shepherdstown and T.A. Lowery [E]lementary [S]chools.
The Charles Town Club handles distribution to the remaining five schools: Blue Ridge, Driswood, Ranson and South Jefferson [E]lementary [S]chools, [as well as] Wright Denny Intermediate.